
Collectables, Antiques and the Unique

Call Pat at 505-301-1452 for information.

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Collectables offered by Pat Doyle

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 01251
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 01256
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 01253
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 01320
Price: $TBL
Description: Collectable

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Locks

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Tape Measure

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Jump Rope

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Moccasins

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Knifes_1

Item No. 00098
Price: $36
Description: M6 Bayonet

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Antique YoYo

Item No. 00000
Price: $TBL
Description: Jewelry

Item No. 00987
Price: $650
Description: Buffalo Owlman Skull
Custom Painting by PD

Item No. 23010
Price: $35.00
Description: Antique
Table Horse Hair Brush
and Pan (Brass)

Item No. 23111
Price: $185.00
Description: Antique
Carbide Lantern
(Hand Held)

Item No. 00123
Price: $1200.
Description: Crows Buffalo
Painting by PD

Item No. 23212
Price: $TBL
Description: Asian Locks

Item No. 00933
Price: $225
Description: Milk Can
Tin Roof Church
Custom Painted by PD

Item No. 12309
Price: $1200.
Description: Painting (16" x 22")
Custom Frame Included



Item No. 89651
Price: $65
Description: SW Ladder
Custom Painted by PD

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